Weekly Cases, Hospitalizations Set New Pandemic Highs

Posted on December 3, 2020

Oregon Health Authority – 12/02/20 4:36 PM

OHA’s COVID-19 weekly report released today, set new weekly highs for COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations for the second consecutive week.

OHA reported 9,100 new daily cases during the week of Monday, Nov. 23 through Sunday, Nov. 29, a 5% increase over the previous week.

Weekly hospitalizations associated with COVID-19 rose to 398, a 9% increase, a significant slowing from the previous week, yet still the highest weekly total reported during the pandemic.

There were 86 reported COVID-19 reported deaths, up from 61 the previous week.

People aged 20 to 49 have accounted for 55% of the cases, while people 70 and older have accounted for 74% of the deaths.

During the week of Nov. 22 to Nov. 28,141,356 COVID-19 tests were administered. The percentage of positive tests was 8.6%.

OHA announces changes to the Weekly report format.

Today marked the introduction of major new changes to the weekly report format. The most significant change is a separate report listing all active and resolved outbreaks in Oregon. This will be an ongoing format.

The second change centers around the reporting of COVID-19 cases by ZIP code. This will no longer be contained in the COVID-19 weekly report but will be available elsewhere online.

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