Oregon FBI Accepting Applications for its 2021 Fall Citizens Academy Program

Posted on June 28, 2021

FBI – Oregon – 06/28/21 9:00 AM

The FBI in Oregon is now accepting applications from business, religious, and community members for its Citizens Academy Program. The Citizens Academy allows leaders to come together to explore the work of the FBI, both in Oregon and around the world. Over the course of seven weeks, participants will have a chance to engage with FBI leadership, case agents and professional staff as they learn about what it is really like to live the Bureau’s mission to “protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States.”

Applicants may nominate themselves for a participant slot at this link. Nominations are due by Friday, July 16, 2021. Acceptance into the program is competitive. Selections will be made by the field office.

“The Citizens Academy program gives the people we serve a rare chance to see the FBI in action. This is a great opportunity not only for leaders in our community to learn, ask questions, and really engage with our people, but it is also an opportunity for us to learn more from those we serve,” said Special Agent in Charge of the FBI in Oregon Kieran L. Ramsey.

Those who apply will be notified of their status no later than August 6, 2021. Once selected, applicants must complete a background check and return the required paperwork by Friday, August 13, 2021.

The intention is to hold the class in-person (pending any health restrictions) for people in the Portland area. Those who live in other parts of the state may participate virtually through an online platform.

Class Information

Most of the academy sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

•    September 15: Citizens Academy class
•    September 22: Citizens Academy class
•    September 29: Citizens Academy class
•    October 8 (Friday): Training Range Day
•    October 13: Citizens Academy class
•    October 20: Citizens Academy class
•    October 27: Citizens Academy class

For further information, contact Community Outreach Specialist Antonia Kreamier at ajfabiankreamier@fbi.gov.


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