In-Person Services Resume at the City of Salem

Posted on July 7, 2021

City of Salem – 07/07/21 3:00 PM


July 7, 2021 Salem, Ore. With Oregon’s recent announcement lifting all Coronavirus restrictions, the City of Salem will open all in-person services July 19, 2021.  City buildings, previously closed or modified, will re-open to the public on or before July 19, 2021, including Salem’s Civic CenterMunicipal Court lobby, Salem Police Department lobby, Center 50 + and the Salem Public Library.

Per the Governor’s executive order rescinding the wearing of masks and social distancing, all City employees and guests, whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, are free to remove their facial coverings in City buildings. Hand sanitizer will be available. Employees and guests should continue to self-monitor regularly for signs of illness. While several City departments, including, Public Works, Fire, and Public Safety continued to provide in-person services throughout the pandemic, other staff and programs transformed their schedules and duty stations to deliver services from virtually.

“Looking back, it is remarkable to see the strides our City departments made, switching to hybrid workstations, implementing virtual public meetings, and developing digital communication strategies to streamline our services,” said City Manager Steve Powers. “After 15 months of demonstrated adaptability and commitment, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone back to City Hall on-site and in-person.”

As a result of the success of online capabilities during the pandemic, Salem will continue to maintain online access to information and services, modernizing the City’s business operations and future workforce.


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