Polk County Burn Ban

Posted on July 24, 2022

Dallas Fire & EMS – 07/22/22 5:03 PM

POLK COUNTY, OR. – The Polk County Fire Defense Board has issued a Burn Ban effective JULY 25th, 2022, in all areas of Polk County.

BURN BAN. Due to Oregon Department of Forestry’s declaration of fire season and combined with higher summer temperatures and available fuels, all backyard and agricultural burning is NOT allowed July 25th through late September 2022.

Be aware of the potential of a rekindle on any piles that you may have previously lit. If you recently lit piles, take the time to ensure that they are 100% out.

The burn ban includes yard debris and agricultural burning. Please be familiar with the definition of agricultural burning defined below.

The burning of agricultural waste generated by an operation that uses, or intends to use, land primarily for the purpose of obtaining a profit by raising, harvesting, and selling crops.

Check with your local Fire Department/District for more information. For the most current information, please call the Burn Information Line at (503) 838-2020.

Restrictions include:

 Backyard burning (yard debris, etc.)

 Agricultural burning

 Land clearing, slash or debris burning

Federal agencies have independent jurisdiction and authority to regulate recreational fires on their lands so this ban does not apply to the US Forest Service and BLM regulated lands. Adhering to these precautions is still wise even though not enforceable.

Individuals found to be in violation of these requirements during the burn ban may be held liable for the cost of putting out a fire and for any property damage resulting from an illegal fire.

Those living in rural areas are asked to maintain their defensible space by monitoring growth surrounding homes and structures, and to maintain adequate access for firefighting equipment,

Know fire risks and obey fire restrictions, such as campfire bans.

Avoid parking or driving on dry grass as hot vehicles can start a wildfire.

Vehicles are required to have a shovel and fire extinguisher or at least a gallon of water in many areas.

Do not use candles, fireworks, tiki torches, or other open flames in wildland areas.

Remember that sky lanterns are illegal in Oregon airspace.

Dispose of smoking material in deep, sturdy ashtrays.

Make sure butts and ashes are extinguished with water.

Never discard butts on the ground or in vegetation.

For more wildfire prevention information and restrictions, we encourage you to visit Keep Oregon Green at www.keeporegongreen.org and the Oregon Department of Forestry at www.oregon.gov.

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