Salem City Council Votes to Approve Ceasefire Resolution in Gaza

Posted on May 30, 2024

City Council voted Tuesday evening to adopt a resolution regarding the conflict in Israel and Gaza, recognizing its impact on people in our community and around the world.

The resolution, drafted by Councilors Virginia Stapleton and Linda Nishioka, highlighted a call for peace in the region and an immediate end to violence. Its aim was to bring our community together in solidarity with those suffering in the region.

“Sometimes those in positions of power and authority need to speak out on the behalf of individuals who cannot do so for themselves. We can help alleviate pain by adding our voice to this issue, ” Councilors Virginia Stapleton and Linda Nishioka said when asked why they worked to draft this version of a resolution.

The resolution was informed by the passionate outpouring of public testimony demonstrated at several Council meetings from many in our community. The resolution draws from the work of the City of Salem’s Human Rights Commission that identified supportive language intended to bring the community together.

Throughout this months-long debate, our Palestinian, Jewish and Muslim community members shared personal stories and moving testimony recognizing the atrocities that have occurred in the region and the impacts those atrocities are having on their lives here in Salem.  The testimony proved the importance of educating all Oregonians about the impacts of the conflict and its effect on the residents of Israel, the Gaza Strip and the rest of the world.

The Council’s resolution unequivocally calls for:

  • Leaders to prioritize the safety and well-being of all hostages and detainees, recognizing their right to freedom and immediate and unconditional release
  • The immediate and permanent ceasefire and end to the hostilities in the region.
  • Prioritization of humanitarian aid to Gaza
  • The unwavering commitment to fostering peace and unity
  • And the condemnation of antisemitism, anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab bigotry, Islamophobia, or any acts of bias or hate against Jewish, Muslim, Palestinian people in Salem.

You can read the approved Resolution on the Crisis in Gaza or watch the full City of Salem Council Meeting, recorded on Tuesday May 28th, 2024.



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