Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease and Your Damily — Hear Dr. Sandeep Jauhar Share from Personal Experience

Posted on June 4, 2024

The presentations take place June 11th and 12th.

The Salem Health Foundation’s annual Community Health Speaker Series presents Dr. Sandeep Jauhar, cardiologist, best-selling author, and NPR and New York Times contributor, in June for three one-hour events to discuss his recent book, “My Father’s Brain – Life in the Shadow of Alzheimer’s.”

Dr. Jauhar will offer lessons learned, and the science of what happens to the brain when one is afflicted with the disease. Dr. Jauhar’s advice, from his deeply personal experience and understanding, can help improve your care for a loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.

Author of “My Father’s Brain,” Dr. Jauhar writes of his own experience that sets his father’s descent into Alzheimer’s alongside his own journey toward understanding the disease and it might best be coped with, if not cured. His book is an essential insight into dementia, and into how scientists, caregivers, and all of us in an aging society are reckoning with the fallout.

Reserve tickets for one of the three sessions with Dr. Jauhar:

  • June 11, 10:00 a.m., Dallas Retirement Village (Dallas)
  • June 11, 7:00 p.m., Willamette University, Hudson Hall (Salem)
  • June 12, 9:00 a.m., Senior Estates Golf and Country Club (Woodburn)

Admission is free but seating must be reserved in advance. To reserve your free ticket, go to or the Salem Health Foundation website for more information.

The Community Health Impact event, offered through the Salem Health Foundation and Salem Health Hospitals and Clinics, is part of the mission-driven collaboration to create a healthier mid-Willamette Valley through education, outreach and advocacy. By sharing the expertise of renowned experts like Dr. Jauhar, Salem Health and the Salem Health Foundation hope to better illuminate the healthcare challenges impacting our community and convene stakeholders who can become community participants in resolving these challenges.

The Salem Health Foundation, established in 1968 as a charitable, tax-exempt organization, works to improve the community’s health. The Foundation’s 12 volunteer directors help raise funds and manage the assets of the Foundation while distributing its resources according to donor intent.


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