Pavement Improvements Coming to Liberty Street SE in Salem

Posted on June 11, 2024

Safety and Livability Bond Makes the Project Possible

  • Construction began June 10, on Liberty Street SE.
  • Thanks to the 2022 Safety and Livability Bond, Liberty will receive new pavement from Mill Street SE to Trade Street SE.
  • For more details, go to

Salem, Ore. — Work to repave Liberty Street between Mill Street SE and Trade Street SE began June 10 and will continue through the summer. The project is funded by the 2022 Safety and Livability Bond

The Liberty Street SE Pavement Rehabilitation Project includes fixing the one-block stretch of roadway adjacent to Fire Station #1 and Pringle Park Plaza.

The heavily used intersection was identified as a 2022 Safety and Livability Bond project due to the conditions of the existing roadway surface.  The project includes the following key elements:

  • New paved and striped surfaces for Liberty Street SE, from Mill Street SE to Trade Street SE.
  • ADA-compliant curb ramps at Mill Street SE and Trade Street SE.
  • Enhanced designated bicycle stopping area (bike box), with tubular markers to separate from vehicle traffic at Trade St.
  • New sidewalk on the west side of Liberty Street SE.

The project is expected to be completed in late 2024.

Construction Impacts:

While construction is underway, drivers should expect some lane closures, temporary traffic revisions, and reduced parking spaces in the area. Work began in the eastmost lane of Liberty Street SE. Drivers should be aware of the construction and expect delays. Alternative routes to avoid the area are encouraged.

The City of Salem is committed to enhancing the quality of life for all residents and visitors. For more information on future Safety and Livability Bond projects, visit

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