Three Large Oregon Lottery Prizes Still Unclaimed as Deadline Approaches

Posted on September 19, 2024

Salem, Ore. – The clock is ticking on three unclaimed Oregon Lottery prizes that are about to expire in the coming weeks. No one has come forward to claim the following:

Ticket purchased in Salem (97302)
Expires September 21, 2024

Ticket purchased in Bend (97701)
Expires October 9, 2024

Ticket purchased in Wilsonville (97701)
Expires October 18, 2024

“It’s time to check your junk drawer, coat pockets, and under the couch – anywhere a ticket could disappear,” said Oregon Lottery’s Manager of Player Services Heidi Quiring. “After a year, the prizes can no longer be claimed.”

Unclaimed prizes go back to the state and are distributed to Oregon Lottery beneficiaries. For the 2024 fiscal year, which runs from July to June, $7.5 million in unclaimed prizes were transferred back to Oregon.

Prizes $50,000 and above can be claimed by appointment at the Salem and Wilsonville Prize Payment Centers. To make an appointment, call 1-800-766-6789 or go to our website. Players can also download the Oregon Lottery app to check their ticket.

The Oregon Lottery recommends that you sign the back of your ticket to ensure you can claim any prize. In the event of winning a jackpot, players should consult with a trusted financial planner or similar professional to develop a plan for their winnings.

Since the Oregon Lottery began selling tickets on April 25, 1985, it has earned more than $15.5 billion for economic development, public education, outdoor school, state parks, veteran services, and watershed enhancements. For more information on the Oregon Lottery, visit

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