Oregon Housing and Community Services’ Homeowner Assistance Fund Accepting Final Applications Online

Posted on October 5, 2024

SALEM, Ore. — Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) is reopening the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) online application portal to accept final applications directly from homeowners. Applications must be submitted by Oct. 31, 2024. New applications will be put on a waitlist and prioritized for homeowners most at risk of foreclosure or loss.

Homeowners can now review application criteria and apply directly online using a link on the HAF website: oregonhomeownerassistance.org. If homeowners need or would like assistance with an application, they can contact a HAF intake partner. A list of intake partners can be found at https://www.oregon.gov/ohcs/homeownership/Pages/Homeownership-Assistance-Fund.aspx.

“OHCS is reopening the online application portal through Oct. 31, 2024, to ensure we help as many Oregon families as possible,” said Ryan Vanden Brink, assistant director of Homeowner Assistance Programs. “With our average award of $26,500, we can assist approximately 250 additional households. Any further applications will be placed on a waitlist pending the availability of funds.”

HAF offers federal temporary COVID-19 pandemic relief to help homeowners who experienced financial hardship due to the pandemic. HAF can help homeowners become current on their mortgages, county taxes, homeowners’ (HOA) or condo associations, land sale contracts, secured manufactured home or floating home loans, and lot rent or moorage fees associated with homeowners in manufactured home parks or marinas. Financial hardship includes a reduction in income or an increase in housing costs resulting from the pandemic.

Homeowners are eligible to apply if they meet the program’s general eligibility criteria and are facing foreclosure, involved in a court case that threatens their home, in property tax foreclosure, in collections with their HOA, or in other high-risk situations identified by a housing counselor. Homeowners in foreclosure may have already received outreach letters from OHCS or their county assessor.

OHCS will make its final HAF payments in February 2025, limiting total assistance available to new applicants. OHCS encourages homeowners to explore all other options with their servicer or a housing counselor before applying for HAF. Applying for HAF does not guarantee approval or that a foreclosure will be postponed. HAF is administered by the U.S. Department of Treasury.

About Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS)

OHCS is Oregon’s housing finance agency. The state agency provides financial and program support to create and preserve opportunities for quality, affordable housing for Oregonians of low and moderate income. OHCS administers programs that provide housing stabilization. OHCS delivers these programs primarily through grants, contracts, and loan agreements with local partners and community-based providers. For more information, please visit: oregon.gov/ohcs.

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