Poll Reveals Limited Enthusiasm to Raise Taxes to Fund Services in Salem

Posted on October 19, 2024

Results of the City of Salem 2024 Priorities and Preferences Survey show a community that is divided on adding new funding through property tax levies to support important public services.

The survey, commissioned by the City of Salem, engaged more than 400 potential voters on the issue of future funding options for the City of Salem’s General Fund. The survey found that while Salem residents support public safety, parks and library services, 60% of respondents expressed hesitation to raise taxes to fund these services at this time.

Salem City Council will meet Monday, October 21, at 6 p.m. to discuss priorities for city services and preferences for possible future funding. The meeting will include a status update on the poll of likely voters and a work plan to understand our community’s priorities for City services.

Stream the meeting live in English/ASL and Spanish

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