November 28, 2023 - December 19, 2023

At the beginning and end of each 12-week session, participants may choose to have their A1c tested to track the results of applying what they have learned. The success stories are impressive.

In person class attendees “earn” much more than their lifestyle kits. They receive a workbook complete with copies of the PowerPoint slide programs, handouts and educational materials. Snack bags with nutritional information and door prizes round out the meetings.

Students are offered free usage of The Jiggle Joint, the whole body sonic vibration suite. For more private sharing, participants are encouraged to schedule free on-on-one consultations with our life coach.

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Half Price Oregon
Reigning Ducks
Reigning Ducks
Capital Auto Group
Oregon Medical Centers
Capitol Cryo
Les Schwab
Old Mill Feed & Garden
Home Comfort