Newsmakers 2/4/19
Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne
Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne
Hosts Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne
Tom Hoffert – Chief Executive Officer of the Salem Chamber of Commerce
JD Shinn, CEO of Dallas Chamber of commerce
Salem Mayor Chuck Bennett with his weekly update
Jason Unruh, His 501C4 is the Hoopla Association, and is part of the Salem Winter Brewfest Jan 30th – Feb […]
Ed Flick, Marion County Emergency Manager joins Brent and Dave
Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne
Author Steve Arndt, talks about his books in a series called, “Roads Less Traveled in Oregon”
Leilani Slama, Vice President, Community Engagement at Salem Health joins Brent DeHart and Dave Bourne