Salem Mayor to Speak About City Plans for 2019; Public Invited to Attend State of the City Presentation Jan. 23

Posted on January 9, 2019

City of Salem Mayor Chuck Bennett will give his 2019 State of the City address on Wed., Jan. 23 at noon. This free event will be held at the Salem Convention Center, Willamette Ballroom, 200 Commercial Street SE. Doors open at 11:15 a.m. The event will be live-streamed on the City of Salem Facebook page and Capitol Community Television’s YouTube Channel, and will also be available for later viewing. Co-hosted by the City of Salem, Salem City Club, Rotary Club of Salem, and the Salem Area Chamber of Commerce, the annual State of the City is an opportunity for Salem’s Mayor to reflect on the past year, and outline the vision for the City in the year ahead. This will be Mayor Bennett’s third State of the City address.

An optional lunch buffet is available for $20 per person. Lunch tickets can be purchased in advance by contacting the Rotary Club, City Club, or Chamber of Commerce, and will be available at the door. Free seating is available for those who prefer to not buy lunch.

Accommodations are available upon request for those who require sign language interpretation or for languages other than English. To request interpretation services, please call the City of Salem at 503-588-6255 by Jan. 18.

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