Keizer Resident Loses LIfe in Car Accident on I-5 Near Southerlin

Posted on January 24, 2019

A Keizer resident lost his life in a two vehicle accident Wednesday evening on Interstate 5 near Southerlin. Oregon State Police (OSP) is continuing the investigation into Wednesday evenings fatal crash on Interstate 5 near Sutherlin.

Preliminary investigation revealed that a white Ford pickup operated by 59-year-old Jelacio Carrasco Vargas from Keizer, was reported by witnesses to have stopped in the northbound right travel lane and began backing up. A white Volvo semi-truck and trailer was also northbound and crashed into the back of the pickup as it was backing up on the Interstate. The pickup came to rest on the shoulder where witnesses pulled CARRASCO VARGAS and his passenger out of the pickup as it caught fire. CARRASCO VARGAS died from his injuries at the scene of the crash.

Alcohol use is being investigated as a possible contributing factor by investigators.

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