Salem City Council Meets Tonight

Posted on February 25, 2019

The Salem City Council meeting this evening. Items on the agenda include:

  • A grant amendment for final construction payment on the Peter Courtney Bridge and authorization use of 2008 Streets and Bridges bond funds for construction improvements to Division Street adjacent to the new police station.
  • A public hearing on a Planning Commission decision to approve tree removal for a proposed 111-unit apartment complex on Wiltsey Road SE.
  • A public hearing to discuss proposed changes to the way that Systems Development Charges (SDCs) are assessed. SDCs are collected from developers when a building permit is issued and is based on the relative impact each project has on public infrastructure. SDCs are used to help fund parks, transportation, water, wastewater, and stormwater systems that are needed to serve new developments.
  • A first reading on annexation of territory located at 4945 Delton Lane NE.

Can’t make it in person? Watch it live online. City Council meetings typically convene on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month. Meetings start at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, Room 240 in the Salem Civic Center.

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