Building Plans Must Be Submitted Electronicly Starting April 1

Posted on March 11, 2019

The City of Salem says, starting April 1, all building plans must be submitted electronically to the City. That means paper plans for new buildings, remodels, and other construction projects will no longer be accepted.

Sign permit and site plan review applications must also be submitted electronically to the City’s Planning Division starting April 1.

They say there are several benefits to the change:

  • Flexible — You can submit plans anytime from anywhere.
  • Saves money — You don’t have to pay the per page archive fees for digital plans.
  • Good for the environment — Printing less saves trees and energy.

The City’s Building Division started transitioning to digital building permit plans in October. During this six-month transition period, the City has helped customers learn how to submit plans electronically and provided free scanning of paper plans in the Permit Application Center.

  • Help is still available:Online instructions on how to submit electronic plans
  • Assistance in the Permit Application Center to help you learn how to use the online processes

As the plan submittal process is digitized, the City remains committed to fast, flexible, and friendly service. Staff stands ready to assist you in person, over the phone, or by email.

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