Apr. 1, Large Retailers in Salem Won’t Provide Plastic Carryout Bags

Posted on March 13, 2019

Salem, Ore. — Beginning Apr. 1, large retailers in Salem will no longer provide plastic carryout bags at checkout. Shoppers will need to bring their own reusable bag or purchase a paper bags for five cents. For stores that sell both retail items and prepared food, plastic carryout bags will be given at checkout for prepared food items. By Sept. 1, 2019, no retailers in Salem will provide plastic carryout bags.

“Last November, the Salem City Council passed the ordinance to reduce the use of single-use plastic carryout bags in Salem as a way to protect the environment, reduce litter, and improve animal health. The City will begin implementation next month,” said Salem City Manager Steve Powers.

Retailers may provide recyclable paper bags or reusable bags for customers to carry away purchases. To encourage reusable bags, and to offset the higher cost of paper bags, retailers will charge at least five cents per paper bag given at checkout. This charge is called a pass-through cost and will be shown on a customer’s itemized receipt. Retailers will also provide a free carryout option to low-income customers who request a bag and show an Oregon Trail Card or assistance voucher.

For more information and resources for businesses and residents, please visit http://bit.ly/bring-your-bag, email commteam@cityofsalem.net, or call 503-763-3459.

Half Price Oregon
Home Comfort
F & W Fence
Capital Auto Group
Old Mill Feed & Garden
Day Heating and Cooling
Les Schwab