Santiam Park Fire 80% Lined, 189 Acres, All Evacuations Lifted

Posted on March 20, 2019

Lyons, Ore. – The Santiam Park Fire, reported Tuesday afternoon near the North Santiam State Recreational Area off Highway 22, is currently 80 percent lined, with all evacuation levels lifted.

Unified command, consisting of the Oregon Department of Forestry, Linn County Sheriff’s Office, and Lyons Fire Department, made today’s objective clear for crews; fight fire aggressively and safely. With improved weather conditions, crews were able to meet that objective, building upon and strengthening containment lines. Crews continue to work on mop-up, locating and extinguishing hot spots, and falling snags. At the time of this release, no structures have been lost and no injuries reported.

“Some folks seem surprised to see this fire on the landscape in March,” said Incident Commander Blake Ellis, “but as firefighters, we are trained to consider the conditions, not the calendar. The dedication of the local fire departments and crews combined with the involvement and support of the local community continues to impress me.”

After successful initial attack and reduced fire activity, ground crews were able to walk the line with GPS, obtaining a more accurate perimeter line, mapping the fire at 189 acres. With no significant fire growth since yesterday, the increased acres reported are a direct result of improved mapping in steep and rugged terrain.

As of 5:00 pm today, evacuation levels in both counties have been lifted.

Approximately 85 personnel are currently engaged on the fire, including crews from ODF, Lyons Fire Department, Mill City Fire Department, Sublimity Fire Department, and other local agencies. Resources involved include a Type 2 helicopter as well as multiple dozers and engines.

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