Santiam Park Fire at 60 Acres, Evacuations in Place

Posted on March 20, 2019

Lyons, Ore. — A fire reported Tuesday afternoon near the North Santiam State Recreational Area off Highway 22 has grown to an estimated 60 acres as of Tuesday evening, with evacuations ordered for nearby homes.

The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) is in unified command with the Lyons Fire Department and the Linn County Sheriff’s Office on the Santiam Park Fire. Pushed by strong east winds, the fire jumped the Santiam River and is approximately 20 percent lined.

Level 3 “GO” evacuations are in place for residents west of Neighbor’s Lane, including 25th Avenue, River Loop, and Oak Lane. Approximately 35 homes and 30 outbuildings are currently threatened, but no structures have been lost. The Red Cross has identified Mari-Linn Elementary School as an evacuation center.

“Our partners at the local level along with our ODF resources have done an outstanding job during initial attack today” said ODF Incident Commander, Blake Ellis, “we appreciate the teamwork of all agencies involved.”

Crews from ODF, Lyons Fire Department, Mill City Fire Department, Sublimity Fire Department, and other local agencies were engaged in extended attack and expect to return in the morning. Resources involved include a Type 2 helicopter as well as multiple dozers and engines.

For more information on evacuations, contact the Linn County Sheriff’s Office at 541-967-3950.

Mari-Linn Elementary School is following normal procedures for notification regarding potential school closure for tomorrow, Wednesday, March 20.

North Santiam State Recreateion Area is closed.

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