Today’s Salem Budget Committee Meeting to Focus on Community Safety & Local Economy

Posted on April 30, 2019

Salem, Ore. — Wednesday, May 1, at 6 p.m., the Budget Committee will continue their work on Salem’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2020. The Budget Committee will focus on two result areas the community and Council have asked us to target: (1) Safe Community and (2) Strong and Diverse Economy. Salem’s police, fire and emergency services are featured in Safe Community. In Strong and Diverse Economy, Salem provides permitting, marketing and promotion to support tourism and cultural activities, works with our economic development partners to grow local companies, provides grants to support redevelopment, and operates Salem’s municipal airport. The Budget Committee will also consider the Urban Renewal Agency Budget and there will be a public hearing on the use of state shared revenue. The meeting will take place in City Council Chambers, 555 Liberty ST SE.

The proposed budget is available online:

Can’t make it in person? Watching live on our Facebook page or on the Capital Community Television YouTube Channel.

Additional Budget meetings will be held on May 8. This budget season is expected to wrap up with a City Council Public Hearing on June 10 and budget adoption on June 24.

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