Marion County Begins Search for Next Sheriff

Posted on May 12, 2019

After 28 years with the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Jason Myers (pictured) has announced his retirement effective June 30. When a vacancy occurs in a county elected office, the Marion County Board of Commissioners appoints a replacement who will hold office until a new sheriff is chosen in the next general election.

Applications for the office of sheriff will be accepted beginning May 13. Commissioner Kevin Cameron, board chair, said, “Public safety is a priority for Marion County. We have appreciated the creative and collaborative public safety initiatives championed by Sheriff Jason Myers. Marion County is recognized throughout the state for its innovative programs and our goal is continue this work. The recruitment process is open and designed to find the most qualified leader to ensure a seamless transition for the Sheriff’s Office.”

Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume, and letter from the Department of Public Safety Standards & Training (DPSST) certifying the applicant fulfills the statutory office requirements and minimum law enforcement standards. Application material must be received at the Board of Commissioners Office, C/O Jan Fritz, at Courthouse Square located at 555 Court St. NE, Suite 5232, Salem, OR; mailed to PO Box 14500, Salem, OR 97309; or emailed to“>

All application material must be received by 5:00 p.m. on May 31, 2019.

The commissioners plan to interview eligible applicants and select a replacement on Thursday, June 13, 2019. The new sheriff will be sworn in on Monday, July 1, 2019.

Minimum qualifications, pursuant to ORS 204.016 and 206.015, include: being a citizen of the United States; an elector of Oregon and resident of Marion County; at least 21 years old; having a minimum of four years of experience as a full-time law enforcement officer OR at least two years of experience as a full-time law enforcement officer and at least two years of formal, post-high school education; no felony convictions, or convictions for any other crimes that would prevent certification as a law enforcement officer in the state of Oregon. Applicants must be certified by DPSST or must achieve certification no later than one year after the appointment.

Written comments will be accepted May 13 – May 31. Comments may be e-mailed to“> or mailed to the Board of Commissioners Office at PO Box 14500, Salem, OR 97309. To be included in the record, comments must include the commenter’s full name and address.

For more information about the appointment process, please contact the Marion County Board of Commissioners Office at (503) 588-5212 or e-mail“>

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