Polk County Sheriff’s Department Earns DUII Enforcement Award

Posted on May 13, 2019

Below is a letter to Polk County residents from Sheriff Mark Garton,

I am proud to pass along some great news to everyone. This office has been selected as the winner of the 2018 DUII Enforcement Agency of the Year by the Oregon DUII Multi Disciplinary Task Force.

DUII arrests by year:

2018 – 216 (103 had a marijuana component (MJ, MJ/Alcohol, MJ/Meth, MJ/Prescriptions etc).
2017 – 182 (58 included MJ)
2016 – 84 (17 included MJ)
2015 – 33 (8 included MJ)

First off, the growth and increase in DUII arrests from year to year is incredible, especially for an agency our size. I am proud of all of you for your hard work and dedication to making our roads and highways safer. In 2016, there were 752 crashes. In 2017, there were 555 and in 2018, there were 328. That’s a 56% decrease from 2016! DUII enforcement plays a significant role in helping decrease this number. I have shared this crash statistic with members of the public recently and each time they are amazed that we have been able to show this significant of a decrease, just 3 short years after the passage of the levy. This award is well deserved. Thank you for doing what you do and keep it up.

The other piece of great news I am proud to pass along is Deputy Mark Robertson has been selected to receive the 2018 DRE of the Year award, by the same organization. Mark is very dedicated to the DRE program and he always demonstrates excellence in his work and is deserving of this award as well. Great Job Mark!

After going to multiple public meetings in the past 4 weeks, I have heard first hand from the public that they whole hardheartedly respect you for the job you do and are truly thankful that we are out and about, taking care of business like you have been. I too, am proud of the work you all do. I’m humbled and honored to be your Sheriff.

Sheriff Mark Garton

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