Downtown Salem Parking Garage Permit Changes Effective July 1

Posted on June 30, 2019

– As of Jul.1, 2019, downtown residents who live within the Parking District Boundary and want to meet residential parking needs (day or night) in a City-owned parking garage, will be required to purchase a permit.

The permit is only required in City-owned and operated parkades in downtown Salem: Marion Parkade, Chemeketa Parkade, and Liberty Parkade.

Downtown residents can purchase the new permit online or by calling 503-588-6256.

On May 28, 2019, Salem City Council passed Ordinance Bill No. 2-19, amending Salem Parking Revised Code Chapter 102 which includes a permit requirement for downtown residents parking in a City parking facility.

Additional information about parking permits throughout the City is available online. For questions regarding the new ordinance, call 503-540-2495.

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