Salem Community Gives Big Response to Survey on Future of Battle Creek Park

Posted on July 28, 2019

More than 800 Salem community members shared their thoughts on the future of Battle Creek Park via a survey sent out by park planners at the City of Salem. Most respondents want the park to have a mix of natural and recreational uses, and supported the idea of using the park to reduce flooding potential in the surrounding neighborhoods. Survey respondents also shared interest in the addition of a skate park, restoration of natural areas, walking and running trails, and disk golf features.

“We are very excited that so many people took the first online survey for the Battle Creek Park master plan,” says Patricia Farrell, City of Salem Parks & Natural Resources Planning Manager.

“There were clear themes in what residents want. The key is going to be finding a balance of uses and respecting the natural features of the site.”

Full survey results are available on the city’s website at

Battle Creek Park is a 56-acre undeveloped park in south Salem at the former Battle Creek Golf Course. Last spring, the City began the process to develop a master plan for the park. The survey came after a kick-off community open house on June 5. The feedback from the community survey and open houses will be used to create multiple alternatives for the Battle Creek Park Master Plan. These alternatives will be presented at the next community open house on September 11 at 6:30 p.m., at Battle Creek Elementary School, 1640 Waln Drive SE. A second survey asking for additional community feedback will follow soon afterward.

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