“Operation Ship Shape” Targets Lapsed Boat Registrations

Posted on July 31, 2019

The Oregon State Marine Board, in partnership with 32 county sheriff’s offices and the Oregon State Police, will be out in force August 3-4, looking for expired boat registrations as part of “Operation Ship Shape.”

“We want boaters to look at their boat’s decals, the registration numbers, and their registration card and make sure they’re up-to-date,” says Randy Henry, Boating Safety Program Manager for the Marine Board. “Make sure you’ve renewed your registration, and make sure you’ve put the decal on your boat, or you could face a $265 citation.”

The Marine Board is funded by registration, title fees and marine fuel taxes paid by motorized boaters. No lottery, general fund tax dollars or local facility parking fees are used to fund agency programs. These fees go back to boaters in the form of boat ramps, docks, trailered parking spaces, restrooms, construction and maintenance, and for boating safety -marine law enforcement services.

“Any boat that is powered by a motor – electric, gas, diesel or steam, and all sailboats 12 feet and longer -must be currently registered when on the water, even when docked or moored,” said Henry. This includes inflatable rafts with an electric motor, even a standup paddleboard or float tube with an electric motor. Henry added, “Each boat registration brings in additional funds from motorboat fuel tax and federal boating dollars. Registering a 16-foot boat provides $77 of funding, but results in additional matching funds of nearly $190, so that $77 registration fee results in $267 of revenue available to fund facilities and marine enforcement.”

Motorboat registrations are $4.50 per foot, rounded up, plus $5 which fund invasive species inspection stations. Registration fees will increase to $5.95 per foot, plus $5 in 2020, so Henry suggests that if your boat registration lapsed, register now at the current fee, which is valid for two calendar years.

Boaters can renew their boat registration online at www.boatoregon.com/store, or can visit their local registration agent. Boaters can print off a temporary permit after successfully completing their transaction online or will be issued a temporary permit through an agent for an additional fee. If you need assistance renewing online, please contact the Marine Board at marine.board@oregon.gov or 503-378-8587.

For a list of registration agents, visit http://www.oregon.gov/osmb/title-registration/Pages/Where-to-Register.aspx.


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