Woodburn Police Respond to Possible Cougar Sighting

Posted on September 19, 2019

Woodburn, OR – On Thursday September 19, at 4:55 a.m. the Woodburn Police Department (WPD) received a report of a cougar sighting from a Woodburn School District (WSD) employee. The caller reported the cougar was seen on the sidewalk of Meridian Drive heading towards Tukwilla Drive, which is a residential area. WPD Officers searched the area and were not able to locate the animal. The Woodburn Police Department Dispatch Center (METCOM) used their mass communication system to advise affected neighborhoods of the sighting and urged residents to use caution in the morning hours.

The Woodburn Police Department advised the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and surrounding law enforcement agencies as well as the Woodburn School District of the reported sighting.

Anyone who thinks they have seen this or other cougar sightings are asked to please contact WPD at 503-982-2345.

Safety Tips:

  • If you see a cougar from a distance do not attempt to approach it. Cougars will often retreat if they are given the opportunity, so leave them a way to escape.
  • If approached by one, remain calm and stand your ground maintaining direct eye contact.
  • Back away slowly, and be sure not to run. Running may trigger a chase response in cougars, which could possibly lead to an attack.
  • If you’re concerned that the cougar appears aggressive, raise your voice and speak firmly, and attempt to make yourself look larger by raising your arms clapping your hands.
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