Twelve Candidates File for Vacant Ward 7 Seat

Posted on October 10, 2019

Salem, Ore. – On Mon., Oct. 14, 2019, the Salem City Council is expected to move forward with filling the Ward 7 vacancy. The Council will consider a recommendation from its Boards and Commissions Appointment Committee to interview three candidates at a special City Council meeting on Oct. 21. At the same special meeting, the Committee is also recommending the City Council appoint one of the candidates to fulfill the remainder of the term, which expires Dec. 31, 2020.

The Ward 7 vacancy was created on Sept. 23, 2019 when Sally Cook, City Councilor representing Ward 7, announced her resignation effective Oct. 1, 2019.

Under the rules of the Salem City Charter, the Board and Commission Appointments Committee met to review applications today, Oct. 10, and provide their recommendation for City Council to consider at its Oct. 14 meeting. Of the 12 applicants, the Committee recommendation was unanimous to move forward Bonnie Heitsch, Vanessa Nordyke, and Reid Sund to interviews on Oct. 21.

The 12 applicants considered by the Board and Commission Appointments Committee were:

• Curtis Bartley
• Narcissa Bartley
• Warren Bednarz
• John Brown
• Bonnie Heitsch
• Kaellen Hessel
• Nancy MacMorris-Adix (withdrew)
• Jerod Martin
• Vanessa Nordyke
• Kim Ogren
• Reid Sund
• Robert Thrasher

The Salem City Council is composed of one representative from each of Salem’s 8 wards and the Mayor. All members of the City Council, including the Mayor, serve as unpaid volunteers. In addition to twice monthly City Council meetings, members of Council may participate in many community activities and meetings, including workshops, neighborhood association meetings, committee meetings, and other events.

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