Forest Deputies Arrest Two Washington County Men Preparing for Holiday Season

Posted on November 20, 2019

As the holiday season is quickly approaching our Forest Patrol deputies will see an increase in people heading into the Willamette National Forest looking for the perfect tree. Forest Patrol Deputies from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office will be in the area working with law enforcement from the U.S. Forest Service to not only keep people safe, but to be on the lookout for those involved in the theft of Special Forest Products.

Recently, on November 12th, Forest Patrol Deputies stopped two Washington County men in a vehicle which was carrying approximately 3800 lbs of fir boughs on Highway 22 near Stayton. During the traffic stop deputies learned the fir boughs had been unlawfully taken from the Willamette National Forest and were intended to be used commercially for creating holiday decorations. Jose Lucas Lucas, 42, and Juan Lucas Perez, 31, were both charged with the Unlawful Cutting and Transport of Special Forest Products and seized the boughs.

The illegal harvest and sales of Special Forest Products in Oregon is a continuing concern as we work to preserve the natural beauty of our outdoor recreational areas. A few examples of Special Forest Products include; Christmas trees and boughs, cones, bear grass, salal and firewood. Illegally harvested forest products are commonly used commercially in the creation of decorations, floral displays or shipped overseas. Thefts of these products are not just limited to U.S. Forest Service land, but also directly impact lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon Department of Forestry and private timber lands.

Our Forest Patrol Deputies want to encourage members of our community to do their part to protect our outdoor spaces by reporting suspected theft of Special Forest Products. For more information about Special Forest Products and permit requirements please visit:

• U.S. Forest Service –
• Bureau of Land Management –
• Oregon Department of Forestry –

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