Marion County Fair Board Seeks New Members

Posted on November 21, 2019

Salem, OR – Are you an innovative and skilled project manager who wants to share your talents with the community? If so, please consider applying to be a board member or key volunteer on the Marion County Fair Board. Board members and key volunteers assume responsibilities crucial to producing a top-notch fair, including regularly attending monthly fair board meetings, actively contributing to the planning of the fair, and being present during the week of the fair, which will be held July 9-12, 2020.

The fair board volunteer will oversee the public competitions program which highlights community members who display their handiwork at the fair. Key volunteers take on various areas of responsibility for the fair; however, are not voting members of the board.

The Marion County Board of Commissioners appoints fair board and key volunteers to serve three-year terms. When making appointments, commissioners consider applicants who will provide broad geographic representation and have expertise in areas such as marketing, event planning, business, youth-oriented activities, agriculture, and program coordination. Fair board members must be bondable.

Preference is given to Marion County residents and applicants must be 18 years or older. Questions should be directed to Denise Clark, Marion County Fair Coordinator, at (503) 585-9998 or e-mail Advisory board application forms are available on the Marion County volunteer website at

Completed applications should be submitted to the Marion County Fair, PO Box 14500, Salem, OR 97309. Positions are open until filled.

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