Salem Selected to Receive Over $450,000 in Rental Vouchers to House Very-Low Income Residents with Disabilities

Posted on November 23, 2019

Salem, Ore. – The Salem Housing Authority was recently selected to receive 75 Mainstream Rental vouchers valued at $450,927 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist very-low income households of persons with disabilities in our community. Salem was chosen as one of 22 housing authorities in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho to receive the new vouchers.

“In a time when new housing resources are so rare, Salem Housing Authority is thrilled to have received this award of 75 new Mainstream Vouchers, which will allow us to provide rental assistance and stable housing to non-elderly, disabled people in our community,” said Nicole Utz, Salem Housing Authority Administrator.

“These vouchers will be targeted to people experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, or exiting segregated institutions. We will be working with our partners to link program participants to voluntary supportive services to help keep them stably housed,” continued Utz.

The awarded vouchers are provided through HUD’s Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program which provides funding to housing agencies to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities, particularly those who are transitioning out of institutional or other separated settings; at serious risk of institutionalization; currently experiencing homelessness; previously experienced homelessness and currently a client in a permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project; or at risk of becoming homeless.

The Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program helps to further the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act by helping persons with disabilities live in the most integrated setting. The program also encourages partnerships with health and human service agencies with a demonstrated capacity to coordinate voluntary services and supports to enable individuals to live independently in the community.

Salem’s voucher awards were part of a national HUD announcement of $131.3 million in additional Mainstream Vouchers to 325 local public housing authorities across the country to provide affordable housing to approximately 15,363 additional non-elderly persons with disabilities.

For any additional information, please contact Nicole Utz, Salem Housing Authority, Housing Administrator, at or 503-588-6459.

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