Brown Road NE will Open to Traffic Wednesday

Posted on November 25, 2019

Construction of roadway and sidewalk safety improvements on Brown Road NE from Sunnyview Road NE to San Francisco Drive NE are nearly complete. Improvements include new sidewalks, bike lanes, a dedicated left-turn lane at Sunnyview Road NE, streetlights, and stormwater and water system upgrades. Crews anticipate the street will open Wed., Nov. 27, 2019. Drivers are advised to continue to use caution in this area as construction activities will extend until mid-January 2020.

These improvements are part of the 2020 Capital Improvement Plan. A combination of federal funds, city bond savings, transportation system development funds, and water rate funds will pay for the Brown Road improvements.

The City continues to make it safer to walk and bike in Salem. Other pedestrian safety and bike improvements completed this past year include:

• Speed bumps within the Winter-Maple Neighborhood Greenway;
• Pedestrian safety crossing at the Commercial Street SE and Royvonne Avenue SE;
• New speed signs along the Winter-Maple Neighborhood Greenway;
• Rapid-flashing beacons on Portland Road;
• Stop signs and radar speed signs along Fisher Road NE;
• Stop signs at the intersection of D Street NE and Winter Street NE, and at six intersections along Maple Avenue NE;
• Improvements to sidewalks and street lighting on 12th Street SE Southbound.

Additional information on pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements in Salem can be found on the City of Salem website. Please contact John Echeverri, PE, Senior Project Manager at 503-588-6211 or for additional information on this project.

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