National Weather Service Issues Flood Watch

Posted on December 19, 2019
The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Watch from this evening through Sunday
morning for portions of Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington, including the 
Central Willamette Valley. 

Heavy rain Thursday night through Friday night will cause sharp rises on many creeks
and rivers. The heaviest rain will be in the Coast Range and north Oregon Cascade 
foothills, with totals of 3 to 8 inches. 

Amounts for inland locations, including Portland, Salem, and Eugene, will be 2 to 4 
inches. Creek and river flooding is possible starting early Friday morning. Slower-
responding rivers won`t see a flood threat until Saturday or Sunday. 

There is still low confidence in which rivers will be most affected, but the 
rivers of greatest concern based on the latest forecasts the Luckiamute in Polk and 
Benton Counties. Any river flooding is expected to be minor.

Flooding of creeks and flood-prone roads in both urban and rural areas could affect
travel Thursday night through Saturday.

Landslides and debris flows are possible during this flood event. People, structures
and roads located below steep slopes, in canyons, and near the mouths of canyons may
be at serious risk from rapidly moving landslides.

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