Long-Term Facilities To Limit Exposure Of Residents To Covid-19

Posted on March 12, 2020

In consultation with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) is using the authority of Governor Brown’s emergency order to issue a policy to limit exposure to COVID-19 at long-term care facilities. DHS is taking this action to protect older adults, Oregonians who are at greater risk of the most severe outcomes of this disease. The guidance directs nursing, assisted living and residential care facilities, including those providing memory care, to:

  • Restrict visitation to only essential individuals;
  • Limit essential visitors to two per resident at a given time;
  • Screen all permitted visitors for respiratory or other symptoms potentially indicating COVID-19 and for recent travel to an affected geographic area or high-risk setting prior to entering the facilities;
  • Document the screenings for all visitors;
  • Limit community outings; and
  • Support residents’ access to socialization when visitors are not able to enter the facility through virtual visits.
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