Commissioners Close Marion County Offices

Posted on March 22, 2020

Salem, OR – On Saturday, March 21, 2020, the Marion County Board of Commissioners held an emergency meeting to close Marion County offices to the public effective immediately. County department heads, including elected officials, have designated those employees needed to carry out essential county functions.

Many county services will be available via telephone and electronic means. To contact county offices, please see the attached list.

The county is committed to reducing the spread of coronavirus and needs everyone’s help and cooperation right now to reduce the spread of the virus.

Commissioner Colm Willis, chair, “It is with great reluctance that we are directing Marion County offices closed to the public. All non-essential employees will stay home to stay healthy. In these unprecedented times, it takes extreme measures to ensure the health and safety of our community and employees. COVID-19 has affected us all and we will continue to monitor the situation and reopen as soon as it is safe to do so.”

The county recommends all individuals 65 years or older, or individuals with underlying health conditions, stay home unless seeking essential needs to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The county further recommends county residents consider limiting non-essential travel.

Marion County declared an emergency on March 16, 2020, due to the continued spread of COVID-19 and the county has the second highest number of COVID-19 positive cases in Oregon with 22 cases and one resident has died.

“Closing county offices will help maintain the health of our valued employees, their families, and our community members,” said Katrina Rothenberger, Public Health Director. “Community members should stay home and only go out for essential needs like food and medicine. The spread of COVID-19 won’t slow down unless everybody does their part and adheres to preventive measures.”

Additional information about Marion County’s response can be found at

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