Downtown Salem Parking Changes in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted on March 31, 2020

Salem, Ore. – The City of Salem continues to alter downtown Salem parking during the COVID-19 pandemic to allow downtown customers to conduct their business quickly, to protect or community by limiting exposure and risk, and returning home to respect the State of Oregon stay-at-home order.

Beginning Wed., Apr. 1, 2020 at 4 p.m., downtown Salem visitors and residents will experience the following changes:

  • Temporary closure of Chemeketa and Marion Parkades; Liberty and Pringle Parkades will remain open
  • Temporary suspension of 3-hour time limits in downtown parking district
  • Temporary suspension of fees at meters

The City will continue to enforce:

  • Disabled parking so that ADA parking is available for those who need them
  • Parking that blocks fire hydrants, inhibits traffic or the delivery of goods, or creates hazards
  • Parking permits in Residential Permit Zones as demand for on-street spaces during the COVID-19 pandemic may exceed the number of on-street spaces
  • Short-term parking spaces and loading zones used to meet business needs (15-minute, 30-minute, and loading zones)
  • All other parking regulations

Thank you for your patience as our community continues to adapt to the effects of the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.

During the parkade closures, visitors and permit holders can park long term on-street in 3-hour parking spaces only. Permit holders can email the Permit Application Center at“> to cancel their parking permit (provide name, tag number, and parking location). Parking permit holders are asked to keep their parking tag if they plan to reinstate their permit at a later date. Reinstatement of parking permits can be requested by email.

For general questions regarding parking, please email or call 503-540-2495.Si necesita ayuda para comprender esta información, por favor llame 503-588-6178.

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