April 13 Salem City Council Meeting Cancelled

Posted on April 5, 2020

April 13 City Council Meeting Cancelled

The Monday, April 13, Salem City Council meeting has been cancelled for lack of urgent business and as an effort to comply with the Governor’s COVID-19 restrictions.

The April 27 meeting of the City Council, Salem Housing Authority and Urban Renewal Agency is expected to have necessary business to conduct and is expected to move forward with the following COVID-19 prevention measures:


During COVID-19 restrictions, physical occupancy of the Council Chambers is limited to 25 people total, including staff, council members and the public. If needed, the Salem Municipal Courtroom will be available to provide viewing of the meeting for another 25 people, also at the Civic Center, 555 Liberty Street SE.

Check the City’s COVID-19 Information Center for all City service impacts.

We encourage the public to view proceedings from home via live remote broadcasts, including the City of Salem Facebook Page, @CityofSalemOR, on YouTube at CCTVSalem, or Comcast Cable Channel 21.

Public Comment

Oral public comment has been removed from the agenda until at least April 28, 2020. You can submit comments on City Council, Urban Renewal Agency, or Salem Housing Authority meeting agenda items by email to cityrecorder@cityofsalem.net.

If you are unable to submit by email, you can submit paper copies at the City Recorder’s office, 555 Liberty Street SE, Room 205 or at the meeting.

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