Cherriots Provides Temporary Reduced Service on Tuesday

Posted on April 5, 2020

Salem Area Mass Transit District will provide a temporary reduced level of service for essential trips beginning Tuesday. All route schedules are now available at

The level of service the District can provide this week will be reduced significantly and seating on the buses will be limited to allow for social distancing. Cherriots is asking people to please stay home and stay off the bus except for essential trips:

  • Medical appointments
  • Picking up prescriptions
  • Getting to and from work
  • Critical grocery shopping

“Essential workers — in the community and here at Cherriots — keep the community going right now,” said Ian Davidson, president of the Cherriots board of directors. “Please save them a seat so that they can get to work.”

With limited seating, the buses may fill quickly. Cherriots advises riders to plan ahead, allow extra time for their trip, and frequently check for service alerts at

The rear door boarding and exiting policy on Cherriots Local buses will continue, as will fare free rides for all services. In addition, the District is marking in six-foot increments where riders can stand while waiting for their bus at the transit centers. Signage on the buses and at the transit centers will remind riders to practice social distancing.

Today, the District’s buildings are being deep cleaned. Buses were deep cleaned this past week and will be cleaned again Monday.

“As a public service provider, I want to assure the community that Cherriots is doing everything it can to mitigate the spread of COVID-19,” said General Manager Allan Pollock. “Please help us protect the health of our drivers and those who must travel during this time by only accessing our buses for essential trips.”

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