Seed Funding Available for Salem Startups

Posted on April 6, 2020

The Mid-Valley Angel Fund to fund up to four local startups. Applications due May 8.

Salem, Ore. – The City of Salem has partnered with local community organizations to broaden the resources available for startups in Salem. Seed funding is now available for local for-profit, early-stage growth businesses with the ambition and potential to scale in a national or international market. Applications are due by Fri., May 8, 2020.

Semifinalists will be invited to pitch their ventures to the Mid-Valley Angel Fund group. Up to four local startups will be selected to receive up to $25,000. Awarded funding can be used for working capital expenses including contract services, equipment, inventory, business and technical services, business moving expenses, and memberships in business organizations.

To apply, applicants will need to create a profile on and upload the required documents including a business plan, pitch deck, videos, financial projections and/or profit and loss statements, and IP documents.

A selection committee will determine the winning startups based on criteria including: a compelling company story, founder experience, growth potential, and ability to leverage the prize package.

LAUNCH Mid-Valley is a collaborative of regional partners working together to support and promote entrepreneurial activity in the Mid-Willamette Valley. Partners include SEDCOR, the Oregon Technology and Business Center, MERIT, Business Oregon, City of Dallas, City of Independence, Marion County, Polk County, Yamhill County, McMinnville Economic Development Partnership, City of Salem, and the Chemeketa SBDC. For more information, contact Annie Gorski, Economic Development Manager, at 503-540-2480 or“>

Additional information can be obtained by calling 503-588-6178. Si necesita ayuda para comprender esta información, por favor llame 503-588-6178.

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