Silverton Road Bridge Replacement Project Postponed

Posted on April 7, 2020

Marion County – 04/07/20 9:31 AM

Salem, OR—Marion County Public Works is postponing the Silverton Road Bridge Replacement Project to the spring of 2021. Marion County has received federal funds to replace the Silverton Road Bridge over the Little Pudding River. The project is located on Silverton Road between 60th Avenue and 64th Place. Construction was scheduled to begin this spring; however, due to additional impact studies that were necessary to complete the right-of-way process the project has been postponed.

Postponing the work will ensure that all of the work can be completed in one construction season and within environmental limitations for work within the river. Postponing construction a year will also limit the inconvenience to the travelling public, as well as allow the successful contractor additional planning time for the project.

During construction, Silverton Road will be closed to through traffic between 60th Avenue and 64th Place. The closure will start in the spring 2021 and end by Thanksgiving 2021. While Silverton Road is closed there will be two detour routes with signs.

If you have questions or concerns regarding this notice or the project in general, please contact Tina Powell, Office Specialist, at (503) 588-5036 or by email at

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