Marion County Announces Donation Site in Keizer

Posted on April 9, 2020

Salem, OR – In partnership with St. Edward’s Church in Keizer, Marion County is establishing a public donation site to gather food and household necessities for community members, as well as items for community partners that provide assistance to individuals who are experiencing homelessness. Items will be distributed directly to service providers or community members from the Health & Human Services food pantry established as the COVID-19 outbreak began.

The drive-thru site will open on Friday, April 10, 2020, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The church is located at 5303 River Road N, in Keizer. After tomorrow, donations will be accepted Mondays and Tuesdays each week from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to help meet community needs.

The drive-thru process has been designed with social distancing measures for the safety of volunteers and the donating public. Please load items for donation in the back seat or trunk of your vehicle. Volunteers can then unload the items without making physical contact with drivers.

The donation site is accepting the following new, unopened, and unexpired items:

  • Food (peanut butter, tuna, canned fruit and veggies, oatmeal, pasta, spaghetti sauce, soups, rice, and beans)
  • Toilet paper
  • Diapers/pull-ups/wipes
  • Cleaning supplies (hand soap, dish soap, disinfectant spray, paper towels, garbage bags, and laundry detergent)
  • Personal items (feminine hygiene products, body soap, shampoo, and socks)
  • Pet food (dog and/or cat)
  • Packaged digital thermometers
  • Cloth masks (clean homemade cloth masks are acceptable)

For more information, please contact Marion County at:

Half Price Oregon
Home Comfort
Oregon Medical Centers
Les Schwab
Home Fire Stove
Day Heating and Cooling
Day Energy
Capital Auto Group