National Guard Delivers PPE to all 36 counties

Posted on April 13, 2020

SALEM, Ore. – Today, citizen-soldiers with the Oregon Army National Guard facilitated transportation and distribution of medical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to all 36 counties, nine Tribal Nations, and two Tribal Health Agencies in order to enhance needed supply inventories as part of the ongoing response to COVID-19.

“These are your friends and neighbors putting on a uniform to help out in their local communities,” said Stephen Bomar, Director of Public Affairs for the Oregon Military Department. “We are just one part of an amazing Oregon team.”

At the direction of Governor Kate Brown, the national guard assisted communities large and small with their inventories of masks, gloves and other critical equipment. The PPE was first delivered to a central storage warehouse in Wilsonville as part of a larger shipment from the federal government.

The Oregon Military Department and the Oregon National Guard have been assisting local communities throughout the state since Governor Kate Brown’s February 28th announcement to convene the Coronavirus Response Team. The team is tasked with coordinating state and local agencies and health authorities for overall response.

Approximately 200 members of the Oregon National Guard are on orders providing direct assistance throughout Oregon, which include logistical, communications and other operational COVID-19 requested support. For additional National Guard information, visit:


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