Office of the State Fire Marshal Extends Rules Allowing for Self-Serve Gas to May 9, 2020

Posted on April 25, 2020

April 24, 2020

Office of the State Fire Marshal Extends Rules Allowing for Self-Serve Gas to May 9, 2020

The Office of the State Fire Marshal is extending a temporary rule change that allows Oregon gas stations to provide self-service on a voluntary basis, in order to address shortages of workers experienced by gas retailers statewide.

The rules change was first announced on March 28 and then extended on April 11 to April 25. Today, State Fire Marshal Jim Walker extended the deadline another two weeks, through May 9.

“We want to thank Oregonians and Oregon businesses for being flexible during these challenging times,” said Walker. “As we continue to monitor this ongoing situation, we feel it is best to extend this option for an additional two weeks.”

The extension of the change will still allow station attendants to help customers while avoiding face-to-face and hand-to-hand contact. It also continues to ensure physical distancing measures are in place. Attendants will continue to sanitize station equipment and fuel nozzles and assist customers with their refueling as needed.

Self-service is not mandatory. This option allows some fueling stations to maintain their operations with fewer workers and lets Oregonians, particularly essential workers who must travel, still commute without the uncertainty of not being able to find open gas stations. Unattended self-service is permitted when a gas station owner exhausts all staffing options. Stations that do not have an attendant on duty are still required to post safety signs for physical distancing and instructions showing customers how to operate a fuel pump correctly.

This extension of the self-service rules change has not affected areas of the state that were already authorized for self-service refueling under state law.

Information about the extended rules change for self-service gasoline can be found on the OSFM website.

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