Join the All-Virtual April 27 Salem City Council Meeting

Posted on April 27, 2020

City of Salem – 04/23/20 3:30 PM

Salem, Ore. — On April 27, 2020, the Salem Housing Authority Commission, Salem Urban Renewal Agency, and Salem City Council meet at 6 p.m. in their first all-virtual meeting.

The meeting will be broadcast live via the City of Salem Facebook Page, @CityofSalemOR, CCTVSalem’s YouTube page, or Comcast Cable Channel 21. Public testimony must be provided by 5 p.m. (or earlier) on Monday, April 27, to make it available to City Council online. Submission instructions are included below.


On Monday night, the Salem City Council will consider extending the City’s state of emergency related to the COVID-19 Pandemic through June 30, 2020. Council will also consider construction of underground drinking water storage at Woodmansee Park, more emergency financial assistance for utility customers, a master plan to help guide future development of Battle Creek Park, a new single property urban renewal area for affordable housing, and a small grant for commercial air service at the Salem Municipal Airport.

Extending City of Salem’s Emergency Declaration

Further guidance from the State of Oregon and public health agencies about data-driven measures for considering re-opening is expected the week of May 4. If conditions warrant, the City Council may rescind the state of emergency at an earlier date.

The City’s original emergency declaration, approved on March 17, 2020, is set to expire April 28, 2020. The declaration prohibits all public gatherings in city rights of way and city-owned public spaces, including sidewalks and parks, and restricts public spaces to active pedestrian use. This is consistent with the March 8, 2020 State of Oregon Emergency Order which limited public gatherings, required certain businesses to temporarily close, and implemented social distancing in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The City’s emergency declaration also allows camping in unimproved areas of Wallace Marine and Cascades Gateway parks, with appropriate social distancing and provisions for personal hygiene, by temporarily suspending restrictions on public camping only in those locations.

All Virtual Meeting

Salem’s Civic Center, including the City Council Chambers, is closed to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus. Check the City’s COVID-19 Information Center for all City service impacts on

Public Comment and Testimony

There will be no in-person oral public comment. Provide testimony by 5 p.m. (or earlier) on Monday April 27 to make it available to City Council for their consideration during the meeting.
You can submit comments on City Council, Urban Renewal Agency, or Salem Housing Authority Commission meeting agenda items by email to“> or You can also submit paper copies at the mailbox outside the City Recorder’s office at the Civic Center.

For social, more active

Join the live broadcast at 6 p.m. via the City of Salem Facebook Page, @CityofSalemOR, CCTVSalem’s YouTube page, or Comcast Cable Channel 21.

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