Office of State Fire Marshal Extends Self-Serve Gas Rules Change to May 23rd

Posted on May 9, 2020

May 8, 2020

Office of State Fire Marshal extends self-serve gas rules change

The Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is extending its temporary rules change allowing Oregon gas retailers to provide self-service on a voluntary basis, in order to address worker shortages at stations statewide.

Today State Fire Marshal Jim Walker extended the deadline from May 9 to May 23.

“We want to thank Oregonians and Oregon businesses for adjusting how they fuel up their vehicles and serve customers with this extension of rules suspension, which allows for self-service at Oregon gas stations,” said Walker.

Station operators will continue to have flexibility to manage their operations and ensure refueling is safe for customers and service station attendants, while keeping stations open as COVID-19 impacts fueling stations’ workforce.

This extension of the self-service rules change does not impact areas of the state that are already authorized for self-service refueling under state law. Information about the extended rules change for self-service gasoline can be found on the OSFM website

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