The Eagle’s View Park Draft Master Plan is Moving Forward!

Posted on May 13, 2020

Join the West Salem Neighborhood Association (WSNA) meeting via Zoom on Monday, May 18, at 7:00 p.m. The draft park master plan will be presented to the WSNA Board and neighbors. You can find the agenda with a link to join the meeting at the West Salem Neighborhood Association web page under Agendas and Minutes.

The presentation of the draft park master plan represents a culmination of input received from the neighbors at the public visioning workshops and through two online surveys.

The next steps following the West Salem Neighborhood Association is to present the draft plan to the Salem Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and City Council for formal adoption.

Visit the Eagle’s View Park web page for staff contact information, upcoming public meeting dates, public meeting summaries, survey results, graphics, and other pertinent information. There is also opportunity to sign up to be notified of upcoming meetings through email.

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