New CHL Appointments Being Accepted As Sheriff’s Office Enters Phase 1 of Reopening

Posted on May 22, 2020

Marion Co. Sheriff’s Office – 05/22/20 12:55 PM

With the start of Phase-1 to reopen Marion County, the Sheriff’s Office will resume scheduling appointments for new Concealed Handgun Licenses beginning May 28th, 2020. As a precaution to protect both our community members and staff from COVID-19, we’ve implemented the following guidelines for new CHL applicants:

  • We ask applicants arrive no more than 10 minutes before their appointment.
  • Please have paperwork completely filled out prior to arriving at the Sheriff’s Office.
  • Seating and space in waiting areas is very limited, applicants should not bring anyone with them to their appointment.
  • Applicants will be required to wear a mask while waiting for, and during their appointment.
  • Applicants may bring their own mask, or one will be provided by the Sheriff’s Office.
  • Before entering our office area, applicants will have their temperature taken using a contactless thermometer and be asked to answer four brief screening questions related to known COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Prior to entering the CHL office, applicants will be required to sanitize their hands.
  • CHL staff will sanitize the signature pad and fingerprint machine after each use.

As we begin accepting appointments for new Concealed Handgun Licenses, it is likely we will see an increase in the number of appointments being scheduled in the coming weeks. Our team will be working diligently to process applications as efficiently as possible.

While we work toward reopening the Sheriff’s Office facilities to public access, we will be taking a phased approach. Visitation at the Marion County Jail will continue to be suspended until Phase 2 of the reopening process. We appreciate the patience our community members have displayed while waiting for operations to return to normal.

To schedule an appointment for a new CHL or a transfer from another county, please visit our online portal at Renewals for existing Marion County CHL holders can be completed by U.S. mail. For questions about our Concealed Handgun Licensing Unit please call 503-588-5094.

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