Salem Man Walks Away from Sheriff’s Office Transition Center

Posted on May 29, 2020

On May 28th, 2020, approximately 11:40 pm, Jose Daniel Martinez-Flores, 26, walked away from the Marion County Sheriff’s Office Transition Center. Martinez-Flores is a Hispanic male, approximately 5’6”, 150 lbs, and has black hair with brown eyes. He was last known to reside in the Salem area.

Martinez-Flores was serving a sentence for a probation revocation related to a prior menacing charge. Martinez-Flores is currently on parole for Burglary 1. He was scheduled for release on 2/9/2021.

Staffed around the clock, the Transition Center provides an intermediate sanction between Jail and Probation. Unlike the Jail, the Transition Center provides minimum-security supervision. Residents are expected to work, either at their own jobs, or by performing community services.

If you see, or know the location of, Jose Daniel Martinez-Flores, please call the Sheriff’s Office at 503-588-5032 or submit a tip at

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