What is Included in the City of Salem and Urban Renewal Agency Budget for Fiscal Year 2021?

Posted on June 3, 2020

Be a part of the conversation as City Council Reviews the Proposed Budgets June 8

Salem, Ore. – City Council will review the proposed fiscal year 2021 City of Salem and Urban Renewal Agency budgets during their virtual meeting on June 8, 2020 at 6 p.m. The virtual meeting will include a public hearing on recommended uses of state revenue sharing funds, a public hearing on the City of Salem budget and a public hearing on the Urban Renewal Agency budget.

You may send in written input about the proposed fiscal year 2021 budget to ecorder@cityofsalem.net“>cityrecorder@cityofsalem.net prior to the City Council meeting.

Initiatives in the proposed City budget have been recommended by the Budget Committee and would begin on July 1, 2020. These initiatives include:

  • Increased funding for the Homeless Rental Assistance Program;
  • Creation of a Salem Climate Action Plan;
  • Investment and improvement to City buildings and infrastructure;
  • Additional pedestrian safety crossings and streetlight installations; and
  • Water quality and distribution enhancements.

Highlights for the recommended Urban Renewal Agency budget include:

  • Bicycle improvements to Union Street;
  • Right-of-way purchases for street improvements on McGilchrist Street;
  • Road design and the first phase of construction to extend 2nd Street NW under Wallace Road NW; and
  • Design of a trail connecting Riverfront Park and the Civic Center.

Detailed tables with explanations of major funding and staffing changes in the budget, as well as a copy of the entire budget, can be accessed on the City’s website.

If you require accommodations through the Americans with Disabilities Act, they shall be provided upon request with at least 24 hours advance notice by emailing udgetoffice@cityofsalem.net>budgetoffice@cityofsalem.net or calling 503-588-6231.

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