Funding Available to Support City of Salem Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Posted on June 9, 2020

City of Salem – 06/09/20 9:00 AM

Salem, Ore. — Are you a small business located in the City of Salem that needs financial support due to effects of the COVID-19 pandemic?  Help is now available for small businesses or sole proprietorships, with 40 or fewer employees, experiencing negative economic impacts due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The City of Salem is committed to supporting the businesses that are the foundation of the local economy, “We know that many of our small businesses have not accessed federal assistance through the CARES Act and although many are innovating to address the unique challenges of COVID-19, they are still struggling,” said Salem Mayor, Chuck Bennett.

The Salem City Council has dedicated $188,000 to distribute grants of up to $5,000 to eligible businesses throughout Salem. Businesses with up to five employees can apply for up to $3,000. The City expects to announce a second phase of business grant funding later this summer for low-moderate income businesses. We encourage those businesses to wait and apply for that funding.

Businesses who have received other COVID financial assistance are not eligible. Only businesses in Salem city limits will be funded. To verify whether an address is in the city limits, visit the City’s website.

Salem partnered with Willamette Workforce Partnership (WWP) to manage the application process. Grant program information is on the WWP website and City of Salem website. Applications will be posted online Mon., Jun. 15.

“We have had the opportunity to run a few different grant programs and have continually been amazed at the demand, and ultimate appreciation from businesses. We are once again ready to quickly get funding support into the hands of businesses that need it most. The partnership with and commitment of the City of Salem will have a terrific outcome in our community during these times,” said Kim Parker-Llerenas, Executive Director, Willamette Workforce Partnership.

Applications for funding can be submitted beginning Mon., Jun. 15, 2020 through Wed., Jun. 17at 12 p.m. Applications will not be accepted after 12 p.m. on Wed., Jun. 17, 2020. Funding decisions will be made via lottery. A minimum of 25% of the grant awards will go to women and minority owned businesses, in both phases of the grant program.

Two informational sessions will be held for businesses interested in learning more about the grant program: Wed., Jun. 10, at 9 a.m. (English) and Thurs., Jun. 11, at 2 p.m. (Spanish). Individuals can listen from a computer or phone. The sessions will be available on Youtube and recorded and posted to the City and Willamette Workforce website. Information regarding the informational sessions, including Zoom meeting information, is available on the City community calendar at or by clicking on the following links: Wednesday Zoom Link  Thursday Zoom Link

For more information, visit or contact the City of Salem at 503-540-2480, or visit

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