Green Acres Landscape Inc. Listed as the Best Green Workplace in Salem by Oregon Business

Posted on June 13, 2020

VanNatta Public Relations – 06/13/20 12:11 PM

Green Acres Landscape Inc. is ranked as the Best Green Workplace in Salem and 13th best in the state by Oregon Business, a news source and magazine. This is the 12th consecutive year that the company has been recognized for sustainable practices in the magazine.

“This ranking is all a credit to the commitment of our amazing team,” said Bonique Hollinrake, Project Manager at Green Acres Landscape. “Our staff genuinely cares about green practices and go out of their way to make sure we meet sustainability standards. As landscapers, we take a lot of pride in caring for, protecting, and cultivating our environment.”

The Best Green Workplaces were determined by employees, who took anonymous surveys to rate their satisfaction with their employers’ sustainable practices. This included green mission and goals, recycling and waste reduction, energy and water conservation, and buying local. Employers were also independently scored on their sustainability practices.

“We truly care about the earth and this wonderful state,” added Rob Kansky, Vice-President of Green Acres Landscape. “Our logo says it best, leaving no footprint. That is our motto and we live by it.”

Green Acres Landscape is EarthWISE certified by Marion County since 2008 and is one of three landscapers in the county to qualify for this certification. To earn this designation, businesses must meet high standards for recycling, waste reduction, and green power.

Green Acres Landscape has 90 employees and received a final score of 276.04. For comparison, the first place winner, Wagner Dental Care, received a 293.43 score (with 15 employees). Among the top thirteen ranked, Green Acres has the third most employees.


About Green Acres Landscape Inc.: Owned by brothers Rich and Rob Kansky, since 1992, Green Acres Landscape has been helping clients to realize their unique landscape solutions.  They specialize in landscape design, installation, and maintenance.  Their new office, nursery, and garden center are located at 5711 Gaffin Rd SE, Salem, OR 97317. www.GreenAcresLandscapeInc. 503-399-8066. LCB #7389 – CCB #198925

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